The Luang Prabang, Laos night market street food.

For my time that spent in Luang Prabang I visited many shops and restaurants, all trying to get a bit of the culture under my belt. I heard the food was just as good as Thailand but not as spicy  I heard they used a lot of lime and mint, I heard many things. If you have the time, head down to Sisavangvong Street, as it closes down to traffic for the every night street market. You will be sure to find something that interests you.

I was excited and spent a good portion of my time wandering the stalls and smelling a variety of foods. All the shops and stall are delicious and at decent prices too.  Don’t worry you won’t need to negotiate any prices here, they are already low. Anyone can get filled up here from the smallest of people to the sumo’s or the biggest of athletes. There is something for everyone here. Several buffets with all you can fit on one plate for 10,000 baht, ($1.25). To traditional soups, and sticky rice sweets, hardy dishes,  individual items, grilled meats, fish, duck, port, buffalo jerky  a vast array of vegetarian dishes and fruit stands.

If you’re not too sure about the cheap street meats and all you can eat buffet’s head over to one of the elegant restaurants that will serve up something special for you or ask for the special of the day. Many of the fine hotels will have a restaurant and chef on staff for your needs.

Luang Prabang street food is a colorful symphony flavors that illuminates the mind and senses. A one of a kind for South East Asia.


For the Carnivores


Local dishes made Loas .


The narrow alley of food, people, and flames.


All you can eat/ fit on one plate.

Bangkok Thailand home cooked meal

It sure isn’t easy to find your way around or back where you came from in Bangkok once you get woven into the web of back alley roads. I shot this photo after a bite to eat while I was walking through the corridors of a particular neighborhood. I found so many wonderful opportunities to get lost in the maze of shops and homes. This in particular struck a cord. I loved this home/house/store front to sit down and have a bowl of noodles. Cheers.

inner city, home and street food.

getting lost, finding a shop to eat some noodles, Inner city bangkok, thailand


Eats and treats in Istanbul

I met a woman in Istanbul through Couchsurfing. We agreed to meet at a coffee shop in the Taksim square area then we would walk around the city until we got tired of moving or of each other. Fair trade I thought, to meet a local and see the city as a local would, additionally learn about life in a different perspective. We hit it off right away talking about each others lives and family’s and our passions.

With no expectations of wanting anything from each other, other that just meeting up and learning from someone new, she showed me around the local scenes.

We decided on lunch and ventured into a cafe where everything looked delicious. I picked out a few things and had a smorgasbord of Turkish cuisine.


I was introduced to a variety of Turkish foods at this a la carte cafe. Great flavors.

Then she said i had to try the treat called baklava, the locals love it. Karakoy Baklava, and I now know why.  Ironically we had much in common she said if i have come to Istanbul then I better had try a baklava. Little did she know that this was one of my favorite desert/cakes. I am a Baklava fan since a small child. I might go as far to say I ever get married I might fancy a baklava wedding cake.


Taking a break and eating some Baklava


History In Hamburg

The official name of Hamburg is the “Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg”. The city is a major transportation hub for both land and water and is the ninth largest working port in the world, and only second in all of Europe. The multitude of boardwalks provides many eating and shopping experiences. An array of ships from all eras can be found here. Museums, activities, professional sports, transportation, industrial and world famous companies all reside in Hamburg.The architecture of Hamburg is second to none, be sure to check out The World’s largest stretch of warehouses called Speicherstadt. An interesting building called the Chilehouse is a brick office building designed to look like a boat. Created during the roaring twenties, The Town Hall is a phenomenally detailed building that houses the city council. The ornate building is a must see and captures great on camera. Throughout Hamburg you will notice the medieval buildings all decadent in their own style of shops, homes, and offices. Be sure to capture a few photos along the way. Enjoy a famous Hamburg Schnitzel and a tasty beverage; it will help fuel your walking tour.