
Around the World Volunteer

Welcome to my volunteer and community outreach page thank you in advance for taking the time to review what I’ve done in the last couple years of traveling around the world.
Everything that I’ve done is out of the grace of my heart, I haven’t been paid for any volunteer trips, nor did I fund raise expenses for my world travel, I simply did it because there was a higher calling for me to do so. I wanted to learn from cultures all while giving, teaching English to all ages, spending time with monks at monasteries and less fortunate youth the importance of team oriented sports. Here are a few snapshots from the journey of life.


A northern Territory of Tanzania between The Serengeti and Ngorongoro national park.

My Arival into Arusha Tanzania was welcomed by smiles in the classroom.






Community outreach, meeting and working with people in a village not only bridges nationalities, but sparks interest in life outside the bubble. Soccer seems to be loved sport in Laos and many of the youth and adults play every day  before sunset. I’ve had the pleasure to be invited to learn about life from these locals.


Community outreach. It is amazing what you can learn from other cultures and people.  The guys that I sat and talked with the elder Monk directly to my left was the one who asked me to come teach. basic English, almost any English speaker can do this.



Community Outreach. Taking some time for another human, seeing what I can do to learn a little more about life- Rajasthan, India


Kerala, Southwest coast of  India

drewmanity-travel-volunteering-india Teaching teamwork through football, Volunteering in the slums of Jaipur India

Teamwork in the slums of Jaipur, Rajasthan India.



Volunteering  at a local community school in Chiing Rai, Thialand


Geography-  English.


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Planting trees in Sweden.

NATIVE AMERICAN RESERVATIONnative-american-reservation-volunteer-work-arizona-usa-drewmanity

Native American India Reservation volunteer work. Building the foundation for a home. Arizona. USA