Our life of contemplation shall retain the following characteristics:

travel-adventure-oz-coast-beach-sunset-photography australia-sunrise-beach-2013-drewmanity.com


travel-adventure-oz-coast-beach-sunset-photography australia-sunrise-beach-2013-drewmanity.com
—missionary: by going out physically or in spirit in search of souls all over the universe.
—contemplative: by gathering the whole universe at the very center of our hearts where the universe abides, and allowing the pure water of divine grace to flow plentifully and unceasingly from the source itself, on the whole of creation.
—universal: by praying and contemplating with all and for all, especially with and for the spiritually poorest of the poor.”
― Mother Teresa, In the Heart of the World

Hua Hin Beach city

Hua Hin Thailand pier

Hua Hin Thailand pier

Bangkok was killing me softly, I needed to regroup my mind just then I met a few people who were at a street vendor eating some noodles when I overheard them talking about going south. They wanted to go all the way south to Phuket to party hard, but that part wasn’t the interesting part everyone and their mom talks about partying on the beaches on Thailand. Give me some new material already. The part I was interested in was that they were going to stop off in Hau Hin. I chimed in on what they were saying and made a choice to scramble out of the big city and book the next earliest train ticket.

The next day without a plan or a place to stay I checked out of my 200 baht a night luxury accommodation and headed off to the train station. I took a couple days journey to head south to Hua Hin via the slow route train through the country side.

But then decided to stop early in a place called Amphawa Thailand a small village that is mostly known for its floating markets. The peole float on their boats exchanging currency for goods, mostly produce and food stuffs. Something that sounded interesting. I thought maybe a couple days there snapping some photos of the local people and their way of life then continue down to some fisherman’s villages and then the beach city of Hau Hin.

So off to the ticket office to buy a train ticket. the train ride was a great little journey leaving the big city into the country sides seeing the agriculture and the way of life of rural living environments. No plans written in blood or ink. just going where it feels right.  As of right now I really want to explore inland up in the mountains and see Myanmar if that is possible. After this beach stop I think I’ll have seen plenty of beaches in my life to tide me over for a couple month. Now is the time to see other parts of Thailand and possibly other regions of South East Asia. So here are some snap shots of my time in Hau Hin.

hua hin thailand pier

hua hin thailand pier

Hua Hin Thailand fishing boat

Hua Hin Thailand fishing boat

hua hin thailand pier

hua hin thailand pier

Hua Hin Thai woman and tall man

This woman was so kind, I saw her everyday and smiled. She wanted to measure how tall I was.

soda water- hua hin thailand

soda water- hmmmmm yum

Eating out hua hin thailand

street soup- Hua Hin

A warm holiday on the beach of Anjuna, India

After spending a majority of my time inland and away from the oceans I though it was time to switch that up and spend holiday traveling along the coastal waters of the Arabian sea.

Where else would I want to spend a holiday vacation than with family. But what about when I am on the other side of the world, literally. I keep saying this to myself but it’s sometimes hard to take in. So here I am in on the west coast of India sipping coconut juice from a freshly hacked coconut with a straw. The sun is hot on my skin and the golden sands are close to unbearable until you reach the water.


The drive into the beach city of Anjuna, Goa, India with markets along the way

Where is Anjuna beach? Anjuna is one of  many beaches located in the state of Goa India. It’s rather funny how i got here. I was sitting on my flight from Mumbai next to a woman from England who married a man from Dehli. They moved to Goa about ten years ago and since then have been living here in Goa. When she asked me where I was heading I told her straight up where ever I hear sounds the best.  She told me “well if it’s ok with you I’ll have my husband pick us up and we will drop you off near Anjuna beach, as we like that beach.” I nodded and thanked her.

Does this go under the context of hitchhiking? Sounds pretty dangerous, I would never have done this two years ago, but find myself doing a bit more trusting and hitch hiking through my travels. There is always exceptions, and dodgy situations of course you should avoid. But overall using your gut works too.

After the plane landed he picked us up I got to know a little about their life and share some funny travel stories and an hour later they dropped me off , the man even negotiated a deal with a taxi to take me all the way to the beach. A sweet deal. I offered money, however they said spend it on your self and enjoy your holiday. What great energy they just gave me. I am grateful for such an amazing journey and meeting people like them.

So here I am reflecting on the past four months of India, And thinking about the next 4 months of my life. Day dreaming of what is next.


Cow basking in the sun


A hike up the mountain looking north onto Anjuna beach


Low tide lava coral anjuna beach


Cows on the beach


A hike south takes me away from the beach with beautiful views


The sandy beaches of Anjuna


Going Away to Goa, India

The western beaches region of Goa hosts 1.5 million people. Although Goa is India’s smallest populated area and is the smallest state, it may pack one of the biggest punches when it comes to tourism and summer parties. Unique mixes of Indian and Portuguese architecture and culture attracts double the population in annual visitors. Goa seems to be the ideal bucket-list-hammock-swaying-dream getaway for most people in the daily grind from big cities as well as travelers just passing through India. The Airport in Goa provides a smooth landing from almost any major city in India for a quick getaway. Rent a motorbike and cruise the shorelines stopping off at popular or hidden beaches. Goa has plenty of options from tiki hut style beach bungalows ranging from a few US dollars a night, to luxurious hotels with all the amenities you can imagine. Whatever your fancy, be sure to sip on fresh cut coconut and lay on a straw mat out on the golden sands as you enjoy the tides of the Arabian Sea, the richness of the sun, and the ever so slight cool sea breeze on your skin.

Mumbai, India trashed beaches

Seeing is Believing If you don’t believe in Global Warming then Believe in Global Trashing. I’m tired of people saying “I’m just one person what can I do I’ve heard it countless times…” You can do a great deal. “By the people for the people, power of the people”

These waters were hear before us and will be here after us for the next generations…Or will they? It is only getting worse… If you are thinking well that is on the other side of the world/ or It’s their ocean… etc. You are a fool. It is OUR Earth. We all make a difference. Please think about your options… See this and Believe it. Feel free to share this photo/reminder of our present day harsh reality.


Looking south on Chowpatti beach – all this trash is disturbing


Looking North on Chowpatti beach, sad to see this scene of trashed beach

Who is to blame? Governments, the people? We all take the blame for the increased demand for plastics around the world, I do believe that it is educational to teach about recycling and waste management though.