Drew for Jauntaroo! Best Job Around The World Application for Chief World Explorer

http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Recently I was selected as an applicant for Jauntaroo a travel and tourism company that was making headline news with a campaign to find a chief world explorer to travel and blog. The coveted  Chief World Explorer job was open for a month to anyone in the world to apply, with over 3,000 applicants I was selected to be one of them. The applicants are chosen on a few things, Who you are, what you have done, and your marketability.  each applicant is to make a 60 second video. Mine is about my travels and philanthropic activities. You can vote for each applicant by clicking on their link. A screen shot of mine is pictured here.


http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Balancing in Budapest

I’d like to introduce the five unlikely places to snap a photo for a keepsake moment in Budapest. Get your Yoga on!

St. Stephen’s Basilica


Balancing my life> Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You. — in Budapest, Hungary.

The big white bridge other known as the Elisabeth Bridge


Balancing on the white Bridge, Budapest Hungary

The Hungarian National Gallery


get your yoga in at the Hungarian National Gallery. I know my form could be better. The thought of falling backwards 50 meters was racing through my head.

The Szent Gellért Monument


Szent Gellért Monument

The Széchenyi Chain Bridge


Is it really balancing if you have to use your hands? But it’s still a good photo eh? The Széchenyi Chain Bridge

Waiting for bus 990 at Ybl Miklós Tér


Waiting for bus 990 the black line. Standing on the traffic rail on Ybl Miklós tér below the National Gallary.