Deep thoughts under the Bodhi tree


In the centuries after the Buddha, the Bodhi tree became a symbol of the Buddha’s presence and an object of worship

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day, to have a new and different sun. -Christopher McCandless— in Cambodia.

Drew for Jauntaroo! Best Job Around The World Application for Chief World Explorer drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Recently I was selected as an applicant for Jauntaroo a travel and tourism company that was making headline news with a campaign to find a chief world explorer to travel and blog. The coveted  Chief World Explorer job was open for a month to anyone in the world to apply, with over 3,000 applicants I was selected to be one of them. The applicants are chosen on a few things, Who you are, what you have done, and your marketability.  each applicant is to make a 60 second video. Mine is about my travels and philanthropic activities. You can vote for each applicant by clicking on their link. A screen shot of mine is pictured here. drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Siem Reap the gateway to Angkor Wat

Siem Reap is famously known for being the gateway to one of the Seven Wonders Of The World and a Unesco World Heritage Site: Angkor Wat. Siem Reap has grown into a bustling city that ranks in the top fastest growing cities in the world. The country of Cambodia itself has been through a tumultuous past and now is opening its magical doors for you to enjoy.If you’re interested in learning a thing or two about the local Khmer cuisine just hail a “Tuk-Tuk” (aka a Taxi) from your accommodation and tell the driver “Pub Street” they will know where to take you.Pub Street is an area known for—get this—pubs, restaurants, souvenir shops, food markets, and of course cooking classes. Once you get a chance to walk the shaded boulevards of the inner city, rest your legs near the enchanting river and mingle along the French style shops and terraces. Of course you should try a bowl of traditional Fish Amok while you plan your next couple days. Hire a Tuk-Tuk and buy a three day Pass to the Temples of AngKor Wat. You might end up staying longer than you planned.