Thessaloniki, Greece Vlatodon Monastery (Vlatades)

I was told that The Vlatadon Monastery may be the only Byzantine monastery still functioning in Thessaloniki. The monastery was founded between 1351-1371 founded by (Vlatades). St Paul visited here during his time in Thessaloniki when he was teaching in the first centuries after Christ. Regardless of religion, its a beautiful little property with hanging grape vines, manicured gardens, peacocks and a well with the most delicious water in all of the city, plus I wanted to see the views, so I enjoyed sitting up here for a bit absorbing all the grandeur of Thessaloniki and life in the present.

Vlatodon Monastery

The view of the Thessalonki bay from the Vlatodon Monastery courtyard

Vlatodon Monastery beautiful door

Vlatodon Monastery beautiful door.

drinking well water in thessaloniki

For some reason I like drinking from Well water more than anything, However I better get my drink on before I head to India this fall. Can’t drink the well water there.

Ios Greek Island mountain hike


ios, greek island, view

Greek island Ios mountain hike

Sometimes I wonder where the wind will blow me next. Other times I smile in amazement of where I’ve been throughout Europe & onto the great continent of Africa. It is amazing how uniquely different our world is. All the people, the places and the experiences one can see in a lifetime is breathtaking. While I enjoy this sunset I give thanks for my abilities & opportunity to see the world one person, one city, one country, one continent at a time. Grateful & Humbled. Make it Count!