What beautiful weather and environment for mountain biking.
This is just a little teaser of some moments while I was visiting family in the United States. Arizona is the location, Phoenix to be exact has some amazing mountain biking trails for beginners as well as advanced riders. overall it was great to be back out on the trails just for a little activity in nature and be with my buddies from the US.
My rig is a Marin hard tail 29r. Release date was mid 2010 before my Europe travels and playing volleyball abroad. The 29r was my main source of cardiovascular activity and really helped me get to far off quite places to meditate and visualize my future and where I wanted to be in that following year, (where I am this year – living in Germany.) I give a lot of credit an praise to mountain biking and offer you all to try to get into it. I had this bike in storage for the past five months while living abroad so I was very happy to tune her up and get out on the trails again.

South Mountain Park has some incredible trails for both hiking and riding. I may be Bias so please forgive me.

Overlooking Ahwatukee, from the far east ridge of South mountain park. Phoenix Arizona