Shots shots shots. Rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus, and Typhus

This is about to get difficult. Hmmmmmm…
I just left the doctors office with a few shots but not all of them that I hoped to get. What I did not realize and what I hope to inform other potential travelers is that the Rabies, the Hepatitis A, and the Hepatitis B shots need to be distributed over three different time periods.  I’ll have to go to another doctor in another country and obtain a second and a third dosage of those shots.
The doctor

World Health Org., International Certificate of Vaccination

World Health Org., International Certificate of Vaccination

said I could come back to visit them in two weeks for the next installments however I am ready to move out as I told my volleyball manager that I’d be leaving Germany in a week .

So since I’m not able to go to Tanzania or India without a Yellow fever shot or Malaria tablets then there is only one other option, travel a little through Europe before I go. That way I will be able to see some places that were on my list of places to see and things to do, while I am waiting for the time period to get the next shots.

Today I received these shots:
  • ·         Tetanus– A one time shot
  • ·         Typhus- A one time shot
  • ·         Rabies– One of three shots: 1st is done then the next is in 14 days, then the
    next in 28-30 days.
  • ·         Hepatitis A, & Hepatitis B: The 1st I done then next ones are in a month on
    June 18th, then again  between 7-12 months later for my final. I will be
    protected for ten years.

With that said hopefully in the next month I will be getting a yellow fever shot and picking up some malaria tablets and getting my body used to the medications. Now I need to plan where to go.

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