Yup that’s me, #30 hitting middle. Set from #1 In life I’m sure you have heard you cant always get what you want? If you haven’t heard this then i’d suggest that you remove the rock from over your head that you’ve been living under. Life is full of surprises treats and treasures but sometimes we are thrown a curve ball. So for this case if you’ve been following along with my journey you know that I’ve been training to play volleyball in Europe somewhere as an opposite hitter.
I recently was picked up by a team in Germany as a dual position potential but mostly as a middle blocker/hitter. Am I complaining? No. I’m stoked! But not my first choice. I played a little in College, at California State University, Northridge. Then later in an Arizona region, but overall I prefer opposite hitter. If you are dying of thirst and some one offers you apple juice when you wanted orange juice, you’d be stupid not to take their offer when you need the hydration, the nutrients to fill your body. That is life right? Sometimes we are giving a seed, what we do with that seed depends on how much we want to grow the plant… or if you want to eat then you better learn how to grow it.
Pros and cons of my position in a nut shell.
I can play middle but my dominant position is opposite hitter. This means I’ll have to revert to the knowledge and athletic skills needed to play middle, not extremely different but still lots of work.
The pros of all this is that I made a the dream a reality and I’ve been offered a sweet deal. My conclusion, I am happy with the recent selection, driven to help this team win a few matches until they can find a new middle blocker, then I hope to make a transition to opposite on the right side. Well at least that is my idea. Believe it to Achieve it.