Amphawa, Thailand floating markets and simple living


Early Morning still waterways of Amphawa.


Cruising in a slow train through the countryside I heard from some local people who spoke pretty good English
that I needed to stop off in Amphawa. Why not. Time is on my side, and I am feeling open to signs. I took their advice and got off at the following station.

It was a small little place I wasn’t really sure if it was a good idea when I got off or not, but I was roiling with it.  I wandered around the markets looking for some fruits and sweets to quench my thirst and sweet tooth. Then into the meat and poultry butcher shops. An incredible upgrade from what I had seen in India’s street markets. But still I moved on asking around for floating market i hopped on a ferry boat that crossed over to another side of the waterways. After walking and pretty much getting lost. It was mid day, I had seen enough with the eight of my backpack on and wanting to find a place to stay.

Before long and asking questions, many of them unanswered I walked as far as I could down the docks and found a house and asked for a room. Turns out they had one open. Life works out fine if you attract the right energies and stay positive.


A fisherman hands off a sack of clams to a chef who would later use them in his restaurant, so he said.


It was heaven when I found this guest house at the end of the dock,

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