I attribute my desire to volunteer, coach, and teach to my mom and dad. I grew up around two parents that loved each other, their two sons, and their community, they volunteered at my schools and with coaching my youth teams. I learned a great deal about empathy and humanity by watching my parents interact with people, how to be kind, and treat people with respect.

Here are a few photos of some experiences I’ve had around the world. But first a major part of my WHY, my dad as my coach taught me and set the bar high. ( John Manusharow in the black shirt) as my coach. – Find me?


A northern Territory of Tanzania between The Serengeti and Ngorongoro national park.

Maasai Tribe Children ABCs

My Arival into Arusha Tanzania was welcomed by smiles in the classroom.

Nboombo Classroom and New Sport of Volleyball Lessons





Community outreach, meeting and working with people in a village not only bridges nationalities, but sparks interest in life outside the bubble. Soccer seems to be loved sport in Laos and many of the youth and adults play every day  before sunset. I’ve had the pleasure to be invited to learn about life from these locals.



Community outreach. It is amazing what you can learn from other cultures and people.  The guys that I sat and talked with the elder Monk directly to my left was the one who asked me to come teach. basic English, almost any English speaker can do this.


Community Outreach. Taking some time for another human, seeing what I can do to learn a little more about life- Rajasthan, India
Kerala, Southwest coast of  India
drewmanity-travel-volunteering-india Teaching teamwork through football, Volunteering in the slums of Jaipur India
Teamwork in the slums of Jaipur, Rajasthan India.


Volunteering  at a local community school in Chang Rai, Thailand
Teaching about the countries I had been to and their Geography-  Teaching English in Thailand.


planting-trees-in-sweden-drewmanity.com save the world
Learning how to replant Trees in Sweden.

NATIVE AMERICAN RESERVATIONnative-american-reservation-volunteer-work-arizona-usa-drewmanity
Building hope, creating new life at the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation.


Coming Soon….