Tag Archives: vaccinations
I left the north and have traveled to southern Germany and into Austria then across the country to Slovakia. I am in Bratislava, where I have arranged to see a private doctor who can give me a shot for my second installment of Rabies.
How did I get here you wonder? When I was playing Volleyball in Germany I met a woman who I became friends with. She played volleyball in a near by city and would hang out with my team and same group of friends. She was kind enough to introduce me to some of her friends and family in Slovakia.
I checked my schedule and thought it would work. I wanted to visit Budapest, Hungary so she mentioned that I should swing by into Bratislava and she would be able to help me find a doctor to get my second round of shots.I was able to consult with a doctor however when I asked about getting a Yellow Fever shot, they told me that I wasn’t able to get it at this time so I received my second rabies shots. So ill have to get another shot in another country before I depart to the other regions of the world.
Grrrr! this is taking a lot of time and a bit stressful each time I go to a new doctors office I have to pay a set up fee and then the visitation on top of the shots. Learn your lesson from me folks. Get all your shots in one state/ country on doctor to avoid all the extra costs and stress..
Shots shots shots. Rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus, and Typhus
This is about to get difficult. Hmmmmmm…
I just left the doctors office with a few shots but not all of them that I hoped to get. What I did not realize and what I hope to inform other potential travelers is that the Rabies, the Hepatitis A, and the Hepatitis B shots need to be distributed over three different time periods. I’ll have to go to another doctor in another country and obtain a second and a third dosage of those shots.
I just left the doctors office with a few shots but not all of them that I hoped to get. What I did not realize and what I hope to inform other potential travelers is that the Rabies, the Hepatitis A, and the Hepatitis B shots need to be distributed over three different time periods. I’ll have to go to another doctor in another country and obtain a second and a third dosage of those shots.
The doctor
said I could come back to visit them in two weeks for the next installments however I am ready to move out as I told my volleyball manager that I’d be leaving Germany in a week .
So since I’m not able to go to Tanzania or India without a Yellow fever shot or Malaria tablets then there is only one other option, travel a little through Europe before I go. That way I will be able to see some places that were on my list of places to see and things to do, while I am waiting for the time period to get the next shots.
Today I received these shots:
- · Tetanus– A one time shot
- · Typhus- A one time shot
- · Rabies– One of three shots: 1st is done then the next is in 14 days, then the
next in 28-30 days. - · Hepatitis A, & Hepatitis B: The 1st I done then next ones are in a month on
June 18th, then again between 7-12 months later for my final. I will be
protected for ten years.
With that said hopefully in the next month I will be getting a yellow fever shot and picking up some malaria tablets and getting my body used to the medications. Now I need to plan where to go.