Drew for Jauntaroo! Best Job Around The World Application for Chief World Explorer

http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Recently I was selected as an applicant for Jauntaroo a travel and tourism company that was making headline news with a campaign to find a chief world explorer to travel and blog. The coveted  Chief World Explorer job was open for a month to anyone in the world to apply, with over 3,000 applicants I was selected to be one of them. The applicants are chosen on a few things, Who you are, what you have done, and your marketability.  each applicant is to make a 60 second video. Mine is about my travels and philanthropic activities. You can vote for each applicant by clicking on their link. A screen shot of mine is pictured here.


http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

FC Schüttorf 09 Volleyball League Champions!


2011-2012 Volleyball Season. League Champions. FC-09


#30 Drew Manusharow hits volleyball ball off Lintorf blockers

#30 Drew Manusharow hits volleyball ball off Lintorf blockers

#30 Drew Manusharow Solo block

#30 Drew Manusharow Solo block


#30 Drew Manusharow & #8 Danniel Bremmer position a block

#30 Drew Manusharow & #8 Danniel Bremmer position a block

#30 Drew Manusharow hits volleyball ball past Lintorf blockers

#30 Drew Manusharow hits volleyball ball past Lintorf blockers

#30 Drew Manusharow-#13 Wassim Toueiti put up a block.

#30 Drew Manusharow-#13 Wassim Toueiti put up a block.

30 Manusharow and  FC Schüttorf 09 Volleyball

#30 Drew Manusharow point celebration


The match up. Completed

Vision doesn’t usually come as a lightening bolt. Rather it comes as a slow crystallization of life challenges that we one day recognize as a beautiful diamond with great value to ourselves and others.
– Dr. Michael Norwood

FC Schuettorf 09 Mid season team photo


FC Schuettorf 09 Mid season Team photo.    Chloe Smith photo credit


Coach Ralph Bergmann, Drew Manusharow, Danniel Bremmer, Elmar Heupers, Phillip Lammeing, Ruben de Boer, Johann Schumacher, Bosko Novovic, Owner Diedrich Lammering, Bottom Row :Wassim Toueiti, Swen Kahofer, Benny Nibbrig, Hein Rob, Alex Gergert at Vechtehalle.

From home to Rome…

Vatican Rome Italy
Rome Italy

My first day in Italy

Here is a little status update, after a few adjustments from the airport to my destination I have ma

de it safely. For the next two nights I’ll be staying in a guest house in the Vatican City.

I am pretty excited just for that in itself. Maybe I’ve watched a few too many movies with Tom Hanks?

Vatican Rome Italy

Before I even dropped my bags, pumped to be here in Italy.

The last time I was in Rome I was eighteen years old, so roughly ten years ago, I came on my high school senior trip and loved it. After it was all done I had the intentions of returning one day, I just wasn’t sure

when. So here I am now,  walking around the Vatican City soaking it all in. I’m going to out and search for some epic Italian food. Who’s in to join?