Drew for Jauntaroo! Best Job Around The World Application for Chief World Explorer

http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa

Recently I was selected as an applicant for Jauntaroo a travel and tourism company that was making headline news with a campaign to find a chief world explorer to travel and blog. The coveted  Chief World Explorer job was open for a month to anyone in the world to apply, with over 3,000 applicants I was selected to be one of them. The applicants are chosen on a few things, Who you are, what you have done, and your marketability.  each applicant is to make a 60 second video. Mine is about my travels and philanthropic activities. You can vote for each applicant by clicking on their link. A screen shot of mine is pictured here.


http://www.bestjobaroundtheworld.com/submissions/view/15457 drewmanity-vote-drew-manusharow-travel-jantaroo-chief-world-explorer-usa


We’ve heard it all before..” I’ve always wanted to go to Africa”? Who says that? Lots of people do. But Africa is not a country it’s a huge continent with many countries. So saying you want to go to Africa is like saying you want to go to the ocean. It is too vague. Which part?

I too am guilty of not knowing right away, I did my research recently and came up with Tanzania and a stop through in Ethiopia.  I plan on staying a couple weeks to volunteer. I will have confirmation in the next week. Then I plan on visiting India, and a few more countries on my way east around the world. Each country I plan to volunteer my time and resources. Come what may for a wonderful future.